My Healthy Breakfast

Happiness is when you can enjoy your nice and healthy breakfast every morning~


Cereal – nature path
Golden kiwi
Different type of mixed nuts
Chia seed
(I soak it the night before with fruit juice)

Sometimes I will add in apples too~
Cut it into small pieces

You can add the fruits you like.
Start your healthy breakfast from today~

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it give you energy to start a new day, but breakfast is linked to many health benefits, including weight control and improved performance.

Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast:

– A more nutritionally complete diet, higher in nutrients, vitamins and minerals
– Improved concentration and performance in the classroom or the boardroom
– More strength and endurance to engage in physical activity
– Lower cholesterol levels

Eating breakfast is important for everyone, but is especially so for children and adolescents.
children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom and on the playground, with better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination.



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