Line Play – Face Shop

New Feature

Finally you can make over in Line Play.

Regret of having ugly eyes? Wrong skin colour?
Now you are able to change your avatar looks without having to delete it.

But you have to pay 50,000 gems to change it. That is alot of gem actually.
Therefore do think twice before you press “OK”

New faces looks so cute!
But I think it is very expensive.

If you decided to charge gem. 50k gem should be $60+ sgd? If I didnt remember wrongly.That is super expensive.

But lucky to say~ if you have not max out the 200 friends invites. Now instead of 1000gems you will get 2000gems per invite.

Hopefully you can get 50k gems after inviting your friends to join Line Play.

I don’t have 50,000gems and I still thinking if I should change. I kind of love my current avatar looks actually. I will feel sad if I change it away.

See when can I save till 50,000 gems. Till then I will decide if I want to change 🙂

How about you? Have you change it already?










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  1. S. says:

    I have just one question. If I buy new face can I return for free to my previous face? Will my previous eyes, nose, face at all on in my “closet”? Or if I buy the new face I have to pay 50,000 gem again to buy my previous face?

    Waiting for respond,
    best regards

  2. AppleBaby says:

    Hihi S,

    Once you change your look, thats it. If you want your previous look, you have to pay 50,000gems again.

    There will not be mouth nose eyes in your inventory. Kind of one time change.

    Thats quite expensive and sad. Do think twice before you click the “ok” button. Or else another 50,000gems needed to change it. 🙁

    Hope one day LP will have that function, so that we can change our avatar face according to our mood. 😀

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